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Bing Cherry for Sale - Buying & Growing Guide

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Prunus avium 'Bing'
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Since it produces one of the most popular types of cherries in the United States, it is no surprise that many people want to grow a Bing cherry tree in their yard. The good news is that this cultivar, Prunus avium 'Bing,' not only promises a delicious harvest but is also quite easy to care for. It has better adaptability and drought tolerance than nearly any other type of cherry tree. The Bing cherry is also a convenient plant, as it takes just a few years to reach fruiting age. 

  • The Bing cherry tree offers a harvest of delicious dark cherries.
  • It is easy to care for, especially compared to other cherry trees.
  • It grows quickly and can produce fruits at a young age.

Plant Care



This plant needs full sunlight every day.



Water regularly during the growing season, about once per week or once every other week.



Fertilize once in spring and once in summer with a general-purpose fertilizer.

Planting and Care

Author Image
by John Haryasz | Horticulture Writer and Landscape Designer – last update on August 9, 2022

Planting instructions

While the Bing cherry is easy to care for, it does have a few growing conditions that you’ll need to provide. Most importantly, the Bing cherry tree will grow its best and produce its best harvests when it grows in areas of full direct sunlight, about six hours or more per day. Regarding soil type, the Bing cherry prefers areas that consist of well-draining sandy or sandy loam soils. The pH of the soil should be neutral or slightly acidic.

Watering and nutrients

Typically, it is best to water the Bing cherry tree about once per week, once every 10 days, or once every other week, depending on the weather conditions. However, while regular watering does support healthy fruit development, the Bing cherry is surprisingly well-suited to survive moderate drought conditions. The best way to fertilize your Bing cherry tree is to feed it during the spring and the summer with a fertilizer that has equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.


One challenge when growing a Bing cherry tree with the goal of producing fruits is dealing with pollination. The complicating factor is that this species is not self-fertile, which means you will need to plant a compatible pollinator pair nearby to allow for pollination. There are several types of compatible cherry trees that you can use to ensure your Bing cherry grows the fruits you desire. Among those options are the Montmorency cherry, the Black Tartarian cherry tree, and the Stella cherry tree.


It is best to prune your Bing cherry tree during the late winter or the early spring when the plant is still dormant. As always, it is wise to remove any part of the tree that shows signs of disease or is damaged, dead, or crossing another branch. You’ll also want to prune this plant to achieve a shape that is favorable for harvest. Generally, horizontal branches are stronger and better capable of supporting the weight of many fruits.

Pests, diseases, and animals

The unfortunate reality of growing cherry trees, including Bing cherry trees, is that these plants can be somewhat vulnerable to many different pests and diseases. There are many insects, including thrips, mites, aphids, Japanese beetles, and more, that will attack this plant and may feed on the cherries as well. Diseases can be just as concerning for this species, as complications like rot, black knot, leaf spot, canker, and powdery mildew can all be prevalent infection threats.


You should wait until the cherries on your Bing cherry tree are entirely red and have a deep, consistent color before you pluck them from the tree. Typically, this harvest time arrives sometime during the summer months. When the harvest time draws near, you should test a few cherries for sweetness before deciding to harvest all the cherries from your tree. To harvest your cherries, it is best to use a tool, such as shears, to cut them from the branches rather than pulling them off and risking injury to your tree.

Achieving maximum results

If you manage to raise your Bing cherry tree correctly, you’ll receive the reward of an ample harvest. However, it’s not likely that you’re the only one awaiting some tasty cherries. Often birds will be the first to arrive at your tree’s ripe fruits, and they may eat them before you have the chance. As such, you should consider protecting your Bing cherry tree from birds by covering it with netting during fruit development and harvest time.


What does a Bing cherry taste like?

Generally, there are two types of cherries by taste, sour and sweet. Bing cherries belong to the second group; they have a mainly sweet flavor with some tartness. Most people find this flavor to be quite favorable, which is part of the reason why this cherry tree variety has become so popular throughout the United States. Bing cherries can also be a useful ingredient in jams and desserts.

How far should you space cherry trees for pollination?

When growing a Bing cherry tree, you'll need to grow a pollinating partner plant as well. Typically, you should space your pollinating pairs about 20 feet away from each other to give the best chance of successful pollination. However, it is possible for two plants to pollinate even when they grow as far as 60 feet away from one another. Still, the shorter the distance is, the more likely successful pollination will be.

How long does it take for a Bing cherry tree to produce fruits?

Typically, it takes about four years for a Bing cherry tree to reach fruiting age. However, some nurseries have cultivated Bing cherry trees that can produce flowers and fruits in even less time. If you have a new Bing cherry and are wondering when you can expect a harvest, you'll likely need to wait just a few years or less before your tree begins providing you with tons of tasty fruits.

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Mature height
12-15 ft.
Mature width
10-15 ft.
Sunlight requirement
Full Sun
Growth rate
Botanical name
Prunus avium 'Bing'
Shipping exclusions
Grows Well In Zones
Growing Zones: 5-8 i Growing zones help determine if a particular plant is likely to grow well in a location. It identifies the average annual minimum winter temperatures across the U.S. provided as a map by the USDA.
(hardy down to -10°F)

Bing Cherry

Prunus avium 'Bing'
  • Ships in 1-2 days
  • 1-Year Warranty Eligible
  • Pots or accessories are not included unless specified in the product options.
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