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Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree for Sale - Buying & Growing Guide

  • Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree
  • Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree
  • Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree
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Lagerstroemia indica

With many large light purple clusters of flowers that persist for several months, the Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree is a plant that is sure to boost the ornamental appeal of your yard. Throughout this plant's long bloom time, it will attract many important pollinator species as well. All the while, your Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree will develop into a beautiful large shrub with an impressive multi-stemmed form and a set of rich green leaves. 

  • The Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree has large light pink flower clusters. 
  • This large shrub grows with a graceful multi-stemmed habit. 
  • The blooms of this plant attract pollinators and are quite long-lasting.
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Plant Care



The Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree should grow in an area that receives full sunlight.



You can water this plant about once per week or less throughout the growing season.



Feed your Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree once per year in spring with a 10-10-10 fertilizer.

Planting and Care

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by John Haryasz | Horticulture Writer and Landscape Designer – last update on November 17, 2022

Planting instructions

Your Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree will adapt well to most growing locations that receive at least six hours of direct light per day and have well-draining soils. With those conditions in place, begin the planting process by digging a hole that is as deep as the root ball is tall and at least twice as wide. Backfill with nutrient-rich soil while watering. Then, cover the planting area with a layer of organic mulch.

Watering and nutrients

A newly planted Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree will require water multiple times per week to keep the soil consistently moist. After the first growing season, you can plan to water this plant about once per week or once every other week. Alternatively, you can set your watering schedule based on soil moisture observations. Once you notice that the first three inches of soil are dry, it is time to add water. To feed this plant, apply a balanced fertilizer once per year in late winter or early spring.


Pollination typically occurs quite easily for the Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree. As is the case for all crape myrtles, the Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle tree variety is a self-fertile plant with a long bloom time. That long bloom time affords flying insects plenty of time to feed on the flowers’ nectar and spread the pollen from one flower to another. After successful pollination, most crape myrtles will develop a small capsule fruit that has no edible or ornamental value but will often persist through much of winter.


Prune your Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree during the later winter or early spring and begin the process by cutting out any limbs that are dead, damaged or diseased. After completing those more functional pruning tasks, you can move on to pruning for aesthetics. Typically, the Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree looks its best when it grows with a few distinct main stems. To achieve this look, you’ll likely need to remove smaller suckers.

Pests, diseases and animals

There are several diseases that can cause harm to your Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree, including black spots, sooty mold, tip blight and leaf spots. However, one of the most prevalent diseases for this plant is powdery mildew. Most of those infections tend to occur when this plant receives too much water or grows in poorly draining soil. Along with those disease threats, pests can also be a nuisance for the Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree. The most common pests to afflict this plant are aphids, scale insects and Japanese beetles.

Achieving maximum results

Your Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree is likely to look fantastic even if you give it minimal care. However, you can drastically improve this plant’s overall look with some strategic pruning. During the bloom period, remove spent flower clusters via deadheading to encourage more blooms to open. Once your plant is somewhat mature, it is often a good idea to remove most or all of the foliage on the bottom half of the plant to emphasize this plant’s lovely multi-stemmed form.


How large is the Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree?

The Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree grows as a large shrub or as a small tree. In most cases, this plant will grow to be about 15 to 20 feet tall with a spread that reaches 10 to 15 feet wide. Since the Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree has a moderate growth rate, it may take a while for it to reach its mature size, but you certainly won't need to worry about this plant overtaking other plants in your yard.

Is the Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree drought-tolerant?

Many gardeners find the Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree to be quite easy to care for, and part of the reason for that is that this plant has great drought tolerance, especially once it is mature. A mature Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree will often do just fine if you neglect watering it occasionally. In fact, overwatering is typically far more detrimental to this plant than a lack of water.

Can you overwinter an Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree?

Technically, it is possible to grow your Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree in a container and bring it indoors to protect it from winter. However, this practice will be hard to keep up for this plant's entire life. As it matures, the Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree will become too large for most garden containers, which is why it is preferable to grow this plant in the ground in a region that remains warm enough year-round.

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Mature height
15-20 ft.
Mature width
10-15 ft.
Sunlight requirement
Full Sun
Growth rate
Botanical name
Lagerstroemia indica
Shipping exclusions
Grows Well In Zones
Growing Zones: 6-10 i Growing zones help determine if a particular plant is likely to grow well in a location. It identifies the average annual minimum winter temperatures across the U.S. provided as a map by the USDA.
(hardy down to -10°F)

Amethyst King™ Emerald Empire® Crape Myrtle Tree

Lagerstroemia indica
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