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3 in 10 real estate agents say great landscaping can increase home value by 20% or more

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Home prices are expected to flatten or dip this spring as a result of higher mortgage rates. Although it’s still a good time to be a seller, especially if you have a move-in ready home, you may have to step up your game to get the high price tag you initially had in mind.

In March, surveyed 1,000 real estate agents to understand how landscaping and greenery can impact a home’s value and ability to sell.Key findings:

  • 90% of real estate agents say great landscaping has a positive impact on home value; 30% say it can increase home value by 20% or more
  • 90% say poor landscaping has a negative impact; 22% say it can decrease home value by 20% or more
  • 3 in 4 real estate agents have had buyers refuse to enter home due to landscaping
  • 9 in 10 say a home staged with plants will sell faster than an equivalent home that is not

1 in 6 real estate agents say great landscaping can increase home value by 30% or more

Overall, 90% of real estate agents say great landscaping has a positive impact on home value. In fact, 17% say on average it can raise the value of the home by 30% or more, while 80% say it raises the value by at least 10%.

The most important landscaping elements according to real estate agents in our survey are plants, trees, and flowers. Overall, 78% say plants are ‘very important’ or ‘important’ to have, while 77% say this about trees as well as flowers.

According to Michael Rhoads, President of Rhoads Home Buyers, landscaping features can do a lot for your home.

“Landscaping features can enhance the property’s aesthetics, create a welcoming atmosphere, and increase the property’s overall appeal,” he says.

“There are several important landscaping elements that can enhance the beauty and value of a property,” he continues. Below he offers some to consider:

Trees: Trees not only provide shade but also add visual interest and texture to a landscape. They can also increase a property’s value and energy efficiency.

Plants and Flowers: Colorful flowers, well-manicured lawns, and a variety of plants can add visual appeal and create a welcoming atmosphere. Different plants and flowers bloom at different times of the year, so it’s essential to choose a mix of annuals and perennials for year-round color.

Hardscaping: Hardscaping elements such as walkways, patios, decks, and retaining walls can add functionality and structure to a landscape. They can also increase a property’s value and provide a great place for outdoor entertainment and relaxation.

Outdoor Lighting: Outdoor lighting can highlight the landscape’s best features, increase safety, and extend the use of outdoor spaces into the evening.

Water Features: Water features such as fountains, ponds, and waterfalls can create a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere, adding to the property’s overall appeal.

Sustainable Landscaping: Sustainable landscaping elements such as rain gardens, permeable pavers, and native plants can reduce water usage, lower maintenance costs, and increase a property’s eco-friendliness.

Rhodes says he believes that great landscaping can increase a home’s value by up to 10-12%.

He adds that, “Great landscaping involves a well-designed layout, proper maintenance, and high-quality materials. Investing in landscaping can be a cost-effective way to increase a home’s value and curb appeal, resulting in a faster sale at a higher price.”

3 in 4 real estate agents have had a buyer refuse to enter home due to landscaping

Conversely, 90% of real estate agents say poor landscaping has a negative impact on home value. Ten percent say, on average, it decreases the value of the home by 30% or more, while 78% say it does by 10% or more.

Nearly three-quarters (74%) of real estate agents report that they have personally experienced a situation where a buyer refused to enter a home due to the landscaping. Furthermore, 72% say they’ve had a buyer decide to not make an offer because of poor landscaping.

“One of the most important aspects of landscaping when it comes to home value is curb appeal,“ says Realtor Carin Miller.

“When a buyer first pulls up to a property, their first impression will be heavily influenced by the appearance of the yard and landscaping. A well-manicured lawn, neatly trimmed hedges, and colorful flowers can all create a welcoming and inviting atmosphere that sets the tone for the rest of the viewing experience,” she continues.

Miller adds, “As a real estate agent, I can attest to the fact that landscaping can have a significant impact on the value of a home. A well-maintained yard and thoughtful landscaping design can make a home more attractive to potential buyers, increasing its perceived value and helping it stand out in a crowded market.”

92% say a home staged with plants will sell faster than an equivalent home that is not

When it comes to staging a home for sale, 73% of real estate agents say it’s important to use live  plants.

Of those who say it’s important to stage with live plants, 52% say a house that is staged with live plants will ‘definitely’ sell faster than an equivalent house that is not, while 40% say it ‘probably will.’

How much faster? According to 41%, a lot faster.

“Regarding staging a home with live plants, it can be very beneficial,” says Velody Foye-Byrd, Real Estate Investor, Founder, and CEO of Eagle Home Partners.

“Live plants can add life and vibrancy to a space, and can help potential buyers envision themselves living in the home. Additionally, plants can help improve indoor air quality and create a more inviting atmosphere. However, it’s important to make sure that the plants are well-maintained and not overwhelming or distracting,” Foye-Byrd adds.

Joy Aumann, co-founder of the LUXURYSOCALREALTY team at COMPASS gives us further insight on the importance of using plants in home staging, noting, “Plants add color, texture, and life to a space, and they can also improve air quality. A study by the University of Technology in Sydney found that staged homes with live plants sold for 10% more than those without.”

“When staging a home with live plants, it’s important to choose the right plants for the space. Opt for low-maintenance plants that will thrive indoors, such as succulents, snake plants, or peace lilies. Be sure to also take into consideration the size of the space and the amount of natural light available,” says Aumann.

Real estate agents say other important staging elements include having a tidy home, furniture, good scents, decor, and fresh flowers.


This survey was paid for by and conducted online through Pollfish on March 9, 2023. In total, 1,000 real estate agents were surveyed.

To find appropriate respondents a screening question and demographic criteria were used. Respondents had to have a career in real estate and answer that they currently are a licensed realtor/real estate agent.

The survey uses a convenience sampling method. For more information contact [email protected].